IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 110008977 accession number: Moore/30 DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Monday 5 December 2022 updated: Wednesday 7 December 2022 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- title: 1. Rondeau. 2. Epigraph: "Fallor an ardentes...". 3. Verse: "Thy soul, in love's...". 4. Verse: "Still I must love thee..." LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum STABLE URL ---------- url: DATING ------ creation date: 1792 - 1801 creation date earliest: 1792 creation date latest: 1801 CREATORS -------- maker: Moore, Thomas DIMENSIONS ---------- value: 1 folio CITATIONS -------- The Poetical Works of the Late Thomas Little, Esq. (1801) ---