id:	131080
accession number:	M.1-1926

created:	Saturday 6 August 2011
updated:	Wednesday 28 February 2024

object type: Three slightly convex copper plaques with a white preparation, enamelled in blue, turquoise, green, flesh pink, mulberry, tan, brown, grey, black, and white, and gilded. The reverse has clear counter-enamel.
The central plaque shows the three Marys and the Virgin grieving over the dead Christ with St John standing on the right beside a tree, accompanied by an elderly bearded man, and a partly visible clean-shaven man, probably Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus;  on the left, behind the Marys, is a partly visible bald-headed man. In the landscape background there are rocks and a tree on the left, and on the right, on Golgotha, a man, three crosses and a ladder propped against the one vacated by Christ. The sky is scattered with stars.
The Virgin wears a white wimple, a blue dress and blue cloak. The Mary to the left of her is dressed in a turquoise dress and pale brown cloak. The one nearest to her on the right wears a turquoise hat and dress, and the Mary further to the right, a green swathed cap and a tan dress. St John has a blue cloak over a mulberry gown. Joseph of Arimathea has a turquoise turban, and blue gown, and Nicodemus a blue hat and a turquoise jacket with a collar. The man on the left is dressed in a blue coat with a collar. In the foreground there are three turquoise plants on the green ground. Gold is used for the hair of Christ, two Marys and St John, to outline the edges of some of the garments, and ADD   
On the left wing, the prophet Daniel stands on a hexagonal platform in a niche below an ornate canopy. He faces front, with his head in profile to the right, and holds a scroll inscribed in black,"O VOS.O(M)NES I.TRANSITIS.PERVIAM. ATENDITE.ET VIDETE. SI. EST. DOLOR.SIMI" (sic, the ending should be SICUT DOLOR MEUS) (O all of you who travel by the road, wait and see if there is such sorrow). He is bearded, and wears a greyish-turquoise turban, a gown of the same colour, and a blue cloak. The platform, niche, and canopy are tan with gilded details. The sides of the platform have two panels carved with nude figures, flanking one carved with two foliated scrolls terminating in monster heads. The canopy has a winged putto's head in the gable, and on the sides, three panels of nude figures. Above the gable there are pairs of foliated scrolls and at the top, divided by the apex of the gable,"15 P"and "R 38"  inscribed in gold. The wall of the niche are scattered with fleur-de-lys, and level with the figure head have a cornice inscribed "DANIEL PROFETE"
On the right wing, an apostle, probably St Peter, stands in an analogous niche. He is shown in profile stepping towards the left holding a scroll inscribed "CHRISTVS. PASSVS. EST  PRO. NOBIS.VOBIS RELINQVENS EXEMPLUN" (sic the last letter should be M)(Christ suffered for us, leaving for you an example). He is bald-headed and bearded, and wears a a long blue gown with a turquose shawl round his shoulders. The front of the platform is decorated with two panels carved with nude figures flanking one carved with a pair of foliated cornucopia. The gable of the canopy has a reclining putto, and on the sides below are two panels carved with reclining figures flanking one with two putti supporting a shield inscribed "Ihs". Above there are pairs of foliated scrolls and in the top corners "P" and "R" in gold. The niche are scatteed with groups of four dots on the right, and ? cross-hatched on the left, and at the top have a cornice decorated with a row of circles instead of an inscription.
object type: Copper, polychrome enamels, and gilding. Triptych comprising plaques of the Lamentation over the Dead Christ flanked by the Prophet Daniel and St Peter
title:	triptych

type: history note
value: William Beckford (1760–1844), Fonthill Abbey; probably the triptych mentioned in catalogue of the cancelled sale, Magnificent Effects at Fonthill Abbey Wilts. to be sold by auction by Mr. Christie, 1 October 1822 and nine following days, p. 12, lot 87; by descent to Susan, Duchess of Hamilton, née Beckford  (1786–1859), and her husband, Alexander, 10th Duke of Hamilton (1767–1852); by descent to the 12th Duke of Hamilton (1845–95); sold Christie’s, 17 June - 20 July 1882, Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures, Works of Art, and Decorative Objects the Property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton, K.T., lot 971 (£1,218); W. Wareham; John Edward Taylor (1830–1905); his widow, Martha (d. 1912); Christie’s, 1-4 and 9-10 July 1912, Catalogue of the Renowned Collection of Works of Art . . . formed by the late John Edward Taylor, day 1, lot 142; Durlacher Bros, London; Frederick Leverton Harris (1864-1926), London.

text license status:	CC0
image license status:	CC-BY-NC-SA

instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum
department: Applied Arts
creditline: Bequeathed by F. Leverton Harris


Beckford, William
Susan, Duchess of Hamilton
William, 12th Duke of Hamilton
Taylor, John Edward
Virgin Mary
Prophet Daniel
St Peter
St John
Joseph of Arimathea

The Lamentation
The Lamentation

category: enamels
category: Limoges painted enamels

creation date:	1538 - 1538
creation date earliest:	1538
creation date latest:	1538
culture:	16th Century, second quarter#
culture:	François I

maker: Reymond, Pierre
maker: Raimondi, Marcantonio

title:	Special Exhibition of Works of Art of the Mediaeval, Renaissance and More Recent Periods
title:	Catalogue of a Collection of European Enamels from the Earliest Date to the End of the XVII Century
title:	Treasures from the Fitzwilliam
title:	William Beckford, 1760-1844: An Eye for the Magnificent
Catalogue of the Special Exhibtion of Works of Art of the Medieval, Renaissance, and more Recent Periods, on loan at the South Kensington Museum, June 1862
The Leverton Harris Collection
Treasures from the Fitzwilliam Museum
William Beckford, 1760-1844: An Eye for the Magnificent
The Walters Art Gallery, Catalogue of the Painted Enamels of the Renaissance
Maleremails aus Limoges, Der Bestand des Berliner Kunstgewerbemuseums
Émaux peints de Limoges XVe-XVIIIe siècles, la collection du Musée des Arts Décoratifs
The Illustrated Bartsch 26 Formerly Volume l4 (Part 1) The works of Marc-antonio Raimondi and of his School

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