IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 166848 accession number: MAR.M.157-1912 DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Saturday 6 August 2011 updated: Monday 29 April 2024 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- object type: wood, possibly fruit wood; the shallow oval bowl has a broad flat handle which is carved on the front with two boarders of beads and stylised leaves, and a sunflower on the spatulate terminal. title: spoon NOTES ----- type: history note value: not known before Charles Brinsley Marlay, London LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum department: Applied Arts collection: C. B. Marlay creditline: C.B. Marlay Bequest STABLE URL ---------- url: SUBJECTS ------------------- sunflower leaf (plant material) sunflower leaf (plant material) CATEGORIES ------ category: cutlery DATING ------ creation date: 1650 - 1800 creation date earliest: 1650 creation date latest: 1800 culture: 17th Century, Late-18th Century CREATORS -------- maker: Unknown DIMENSIONS ---------- dimension: Length units: cm value: 14.2