IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 22401 accession number: O.77-1991 DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Saturday 6 August 2011 updated: Monday 29 April 2024 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- object type: Netsuke: katabori: Dancing couple. Ivory, carved and stained. Group of two dancers holding fans; one with hair scraped back in a pony tail crouching behind the other who is wearing a mask and has long hair flowing down her back. Their robes are finely incised with flower heads and decorative patterns. Himotoshi in the back of her robe. title: netsuke NOTES ----- type: history note value: H.S. Reitlinger (d.1950); the Reitlinger Trust, Maidenhead, from which transferred in 1991. LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum department: Applied Arts collection: H.S. Reitlinger creditline: Bequeathed by H.S. Reitlinger, 1950; transferred from the Reitlinger Trust, 1991. STABLE URL ---------- url: PEOPLE ------------------- dancers SUBJECTS ------------------- mask fan dancing mask fan dancing TECHNIQUES ---------- ivory, carved, incised and stained carving TECHNIQUES ---------- staining CATEGORIES ------ category: netsuke category: katabori DATING ------ creation date: 1800 - 1868 creation date earliest: 1800 creation date latest: 1868 culture: Edo Period (1615-1868) CREATORS -------- maker: Hakuunsai DIMENSIONS ---------- dimension: Height units: cm value: 3.9 dimension: Width units: cm value: 3.4