id:	225381
accession number:	P.151-1996

created:	Wednesday 5 September 2018
updated:	Thursday 6 January 2022

object type: Unbound portfolio of wood-engravings (untinted) on white wove paper, after Alfred Rethel, with text by Robert Reinick; ff.1r-8v: 
f1r - title page; letterpress in black ink on white wove paper: 'Auch ein Todtentanz / aus dem Jahre 1848. / Erfunden und gezeichnet von [Invented and drawn by] / Alfred Rethel. / Mit erklärendem Text von [with explanatory text by] / R. Reinick. / Ausgeführt im akademischen Atelier für holzschneidekunst zu Dresden unter Leitung von h. Bürkner. [Executed under the direction of Hugo Bürkner in the department of wood-engraving at the Art Academy in Dresden] / 'Du Bürger und du Bauersmann, ...' [epilogue composed by Reinick] / Preis 15 Slbgr. [15 Silbergrosschen] / Leipzig, George Wigand's Verlag.' Inscription in graphite at lower left: '1025'.                                                                                         f2r - epilogue of two verses composed by Robert Reinick, printed in letterpress in black ink: 'Als Leichen - ja! - da sind wir gleich ... So segne Gott das Vaterland!' [As corpses - yes - there we are equal ... So God bless the Fatherland!']. Inscription in graphite at lower left: '1025'.  f2v - inscription in graphite at lower left: 496 [encircled]. See individual records for the plates: 
f3r, f4r, f5r, f6r, f7r and f8r. f1v, f3v, f4v, f5v, f6v, f7v, f8v are blank. 

Note on this acquisition from the Syndicate Minutes, 22 January, 1996: 'The Museum already owns an early issue by Wigand with the six images printed with tint-blocks on one large sheet with different binding and additional texts; and the later Leipzig portfolio edition of 1879, which is also printed with a tint-block, with Schlicke's address and additional prefatory text. These were donated in 1914 by Philip J. Worsley who purchased the large sheet in Dresden in 1854'.

The British Museum holds a comparable edition with plates similarly untinted and a stated price of 15 Silbergrosschen. See 1932,0624.1.1-6.
title:	portfolio

text license status:	CC0
image license status:	CC-BY-NC-SA

instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum
department: Paintings, Drawings and Prints
creditline: Given by an anonymous donor through the American Friends of Cambridge University (A.F.C.U.), 1996


wood engraving

category: portfolio
category: print

creation date:	1849 - 1849
creation date earliest:	1849
creation date latest:	1849
culture:	19th Century

maker: Schmidt, Oskar; Steinbrecher, Gustav Richard; Gaber, August; Bürkner, Hugo
maker: Wigand, Georg
maker: Rethel, Alfred