id:	225388
accession number:	P.1-2001

created:	Wednesday 5 September 2018
updated:	Thursday 6 January 2022

object type: Bound portfolio containing 'outline' etchings by Moritz Retzsch based on his own drawings illustrating Goethe's Faust, parts one and two, printed in German throughout and with 40 Plates in total. Brown cloth boards with printed label in German affixed onto the front board (losses at upper and lower left): 'Umrisse / zu / [G]ethe's Faust. / Gezeichnet / von / Moritz Retzsch. / Erster Theil 29 Platten. Zweiter Theil 11 Platten. Mit Andeutungen. / Stuttgart under Augsburg. / Verlag der J.G. Cotte'schen Buchhandlung / 1836.'. The date on the label is earlier than that printed in the interior, suggesting that for some reason there was a delay in binding in the leaves. A bookplate is affixed to the front pastedown: Shield surmounted by a Griffin and divided into two halves; on the right: two hands above a lion rampant and crescent moon below; on the left: a band with three stars. The motto on a scroll below: 'AUDACTER ET SINCERE' with 'George Clive' below. A graphite inscription at upper left: 'Mrs Clive'. Inscriptions on the front endpaper at upper centre: '£85.00 / 1502 / 40 etched plates / by Moritz Retsch [sic] / C1 [encircled]. At upper right (different hand): '405'. Title page with decorative border: 'Umrisse / zu / Goethe's Faust. / Erster Theil. / Gezeichnet / von / Moritz Retzsch. / Neun und zwanzig Platten. Mit Andeutungen. / Stuttgart unde Tübingen. / Verlag der J.G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung. / 1837'; pp.1-3, 'Vorrede' [Preface], printed in German; pp. 4-8, 'Anzeige /der / zu den Umrissen des ersten Theils gehörenden Stellen.' [Description of the 'outline' illustrations of the first part] with explanatory text for each Plate, 1-29. The title page of the second part with decorative border (page numbering restarts at p.1, with verso as p. 2): 'Umrisse / zu / Goethe's Faust. / Zweiter Theil. / Gezeichnet / von / Moritz Retzsch. / Eilf [sic] Platten. Mit Andeutungen. / Stuttgart unde Tübingen. / Verlag der J.G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung. / 1837.'; pp. 3-4., 'Andeutungen / zu den / Umrissen des zweiten Theils.' [Description of the 'outline' illustrations of the second part] with explanatory text for each Plate, 1-11. The plates are arranged together consecutively and an etched number is located on each one at upper right. The plates for the first part are numbered 1-29 and those for the second part are numbered 1-11. Nos. 4 and 5 in the first part are out of sequence and no. 21 is located between nos. 23 and 24 instead of after no. 20.
title:	portfolio

text license status:	CC0
image license status:	CC-BY-NC-SA

instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum
department: Paintings, Drawings and Prints
creditline: Given by Mr David E. Scrase, 2001-01



category: portfolio
category: print

creation date:	1836 - 1837
creation date earliest:	1836
creation date latest:	1837
culture:	19th Century

maker: Retzsch, Friedrich August Moritz
maker: J.G. Cotta
maker: Retzsch, Friedrich August Moritz