IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 225469 accession number: P.14859-R DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Wednesday 5 September 2018 updated: Monday 7 January 2019 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- object type: Etching on laid paper. Portrait of Richard Walker, half-length, in an oval, turned slightly towards the left, dressed in an academic gown with bands at his neck and a periwig on his head. The head and background worked up in fine detail, the robes on the body unfinished. Scratched onto the plate at lower left: 'Heins pinx' and at lower right: 'PSLamborn fec'. Engraved in open letters in the lower margin: 'RICARDUS.WALKER.S.T.P. / HORT.BOTAN.CANTABR. / FUNDATOR.'. The etching was published as the frontispiece to Walker's 'Catalogus horti botanici Cantabrigiensis' (1771) (See Botanic Gardens, Cory Library), a catalogue of plants grown in Cambridge University's first Botanic Garden, which was originally located in north-west Cambridge and known as the 'Walkerian' Botanic Garden after Walker, Vice-Master of Trinity College, who had purchased the land and gifted it to the University for this purpose. title: print LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum department: Paintings, Drawings and Prints creditline: unknown STABLE URL ---------- url: TECHNIQUES ---------- etching CATEGORIES ------ category: print DATING ------ creation date: 1771 - 1771 creation date earliest: 1771 creation date latest: 1771 culture: 18th Century CREATORS -------- maker: Lamborn, Peter Spendelowe maker: Heins, Dirck (John Theodore, Sr.)