IDENTIFIERS ----------- id: 74644 accession number: C.35-1950 DATE AUDIT ---------- created: Saturday 6 August 2011 updated: Monday 25 March 2024 DESCRIPTIVE DATA ---------------- object type: fritware, wheel thrown, painted in blue, turquoise and black under a transparent white glaze. Shape: pear shaped body with a long, straight neck and sitting on a low, wide foot ring. A strap handle is attached to the neck and upper body. Exterior: rim is painted black. The body is divided into panels with designs predominantly outlined in black and coloured with blue or turquoise, occasionally appearing in relief as the result of underlying slip. These panels comprise leafy sprays, on the lower body divided by blue panels, leaves and circles reserved in blue; and finally dotted triangles. On the lower body black vertical lines radiate from the base. The edges of the handle are painted blue framing a central line of black dashes. Glaze covers the surface thickly to the lower body with thinner coverage over the foot ring, with the exception of the rim. Interior: black paint continues on the rim. Glaze covers the surface to the lower neck. object type: fritware painted in blue, black and turquoise under a white glaze title: jug LICENSING --------- text license status: CC0 image license status: CC-BY-NC-SA OWNERSHIP --------- instutition: The Fitzwilliam Museum department: Applied Arts creditline: Given by T.H. Riches STABLE URL ---------- url: TECHNIQUES ---------- fritware, wheel thrown, painted in blue, turquoise and black under a transparent white glaze throwing CATEGORIES ------ category: fritware (stonepaste) DATING ------ creation date: 1260 - 1350 creation date earliest: 1260 creation date latest: 1350 culture: 13th Century, Mid-14th Century, Mid CREATORS -------- maker: Unknown DIMENSIONS ---------- dimension: Height units: cm value: 18.8 dimension: Weight units: g value: 509 dimension: Width units: cm value: 12.3 CITATIONS -------- New Affiliations for a Classical Persian Pottery Type Ceramics from Islamic Lands Pottery Under the Mongols --- IMAGES surrogate: large format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: mid format: jpeg location: height: 649 pixels width: 500 pixels surrogate: original format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: preview format: jpeg location: height: 325 pixels width: 250 pixels surrogate: large format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: mid format: jpeg location: height: 649 pixels width: 500 pixels surrogate: original format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: preview format: jpeg location: height: 325 pixels width: 250 pixels surrogate: large format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: mid format: jpeg location: height: 649 pixels width: 500 pixels surrogate: original format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: preview format: jpeg location: height: 325 pixels width: 250 pixels surrogate: large format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: mid format: jpeg location: height: 649 pixels width: 500 pixels surrogate: original format: jpeg location: height: 740 pixels width: 570 pixels surrogate: preview format: jpeg location: height: 325 pixels width: 250 pixels